Freeing up unused IP addresses conversation with colleagues in DWP about their extraordinary number of public-facing IPv4 addresses. These addresses are used to number computers, mobile phones, servers and other devices on the internet... conversation with colleagues in DWP about their extraordinary number of public-facing IPv4 addresses. These addresses are used to number computers, mobile phones, servers and other devices on the internet...
In DWP IT we are working hard to make technology changes at all levels in the organisation.
...take a long time but we’ll be applying everything we've learned to a full programme of change that is starting now, called VME-R (Remediation). What we’re not doing now is...
...from a number of components, all built with the fundamental assumption that hardware will fail, but that the overall system should keep on functioning. Companies like Cloudera, Pivotal and HortonWorks...
The VME (Virtual Machine Environment) operating system was created by the company ICL in the 1970s. In many ways, it is a great story about British technology.