World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) membership for HM Government

...aspect of how we build technology. We have ratified many standards and are looking for opportunities to build on other standards in the software we build and buy. As open...
...aspect of how we build technology. We have ratified many standards and are looking for opportunities to build on other standards in the software we build and buy. As open...
We announced in July that we had selected an open standard for sharing or collaborating on government documents – the Open Document Format (ODF).
The Open Standards Board has adopted RFC 5545 (iCalendar) and RFC 6350 (vCard) as open standards for government.
In the Open Standards Principles we said that we’d set up an Open Standards Board to help us to decide which open standards to use in government IT. You can find out more about current Board members and the excellent …
I’ve got one of those sorts of problems that is nice to have. One that shows me that there is energy and passion to do things right in government.
Linda Humphries, Head of Open Standards in the Office of the Chief Technology Officer, talks us through what the announcement about document formats means for Technology Leaders in government.